George Family 2014

George Family 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008
District Conference was a blast. Our kids did EXCELLENT on the airplane, except on the way there until dawson fell asleep (2 hours into the flight) he kept saying. "Gotta get off" we are lost. "Gotta get off" we are lost! He was cute, but I gave him some phenergen which knocked him woozy and then he could relax for the next 2 hours. He can be a bit uptight. :) I guess I should probably add here. YES! WE FLY 4 HOURS TO GET TO DISTRICT CONFERENCE! , It's like the distance from NY to LA almost to get to the east coast. However, on the way home he did excellent, let's just hope they keep up this track record for our flight to the states in December. Back to district conference. We arrived at camp on Saturday morning at 9:00 after a three hour drive, from Melbourne to an island called Philip Island. It is normally really cold and windy, but for the most part we had really good weather for Melbourne.
The kids showed up at 9:30. And, I was a bit stressed at first, just because I didn't know where anything was, I brought 20 kilos of craft supplies. But, I got organized quickly and we had a Super week learning about super heroes in the Bible. (This material "Super Heroes unmasked was donated to us by Cuba Wesleyan church) and this is the second time I have gotten to use it and I thank Cuba for blessing us with the materials! THANK YOU! The kids studied Daniel, Esther, Noah, Jesus, David and Goliath, and we did many crafts, and the most exciting thing, was for the first time in at least 5 years I know of, the kids sang on Sunday night for the adults in the service. They did such a good job! We also got to use outdoor equipment, which I was a bit scared since I was the person trained to use it, so here I am pregnant and spotting all these kids. But, we had a wonderful time doing the low ropes course, a boulder wall, a flying fox ( Had 2 staff help on this since I can't really lift), and many other activities. The only major problem we had, was my DVD's would not work on the DVD player in Melbourne, wrong code. (Isn't that weird!) But, they do play in Perth, so anyways. we just came up with more games, and things to do, in place of the 20 minute veggie tale super hero clips. Well, I will attach some pictures. But, I felt great the entire time, I had SUCH A good time. There was one scary moment, and I will share this... Because I believe people were praying on Sunday night 7:00pm (Sunday morning 7AM, your time)...
This campground is quite large. Probably about the size of Chambers camp if you have ever been to Central New York District Wesleyan Campground. But, we were in the dining hall having dinner and we were sitting at a table, Chris, Myself, Dawson, and a bunch of adults (all talking). Well, Makayla came up and asked me to take her to the bathroom. So, I took her, were were gone maybe 2 minutes. Came back, and dawson wasn't in his chair. But, I thought he must have gone into the sanctuary, where I told all the kids to go. When I got in there he wasn't there. Then, suddenly this lady comes running up to me and says there is a baby crying REALLY loud up in the dorm rooms. So, I thought .... " I am the only one with a baby?? (2 yr old)". So, I went tearing up there, and he was not in the dorm rooms, but dawson was all the way up past the dorm rooms, through some trees, through a field, and up in the next set of trees, right next to a busy main road. Standing up there SCREAMING! It was pitch dark! He was completely safe, but completely terrified. All he had was a few scrapes on his face from sword grass, tall grass. But, God protected Dawson from all the terrible things that could have happened, there were two lakes on the campground, surrounded by main roads, and how he got up there... I did find out......
The kids ran up to check on their super hero capes in the crafts room, took Dawson with them.... then when they came back, they forgot him... So, then he was lost and did not know where to go... FUNNY enough. he did go to our dorm room, but then when the lady who heard him opened the door, he took off running up into the woods, but would not let her touch him or pick him up. So, God also sent an "angel" in the form of this lady who happened to be at the right place at the right time, so that she could watch over him and make sure even though he was RUNNING ALL OVER screaming, that he would not be harmed.
After this whole ordeal. I held Dawson, and within 2 minutes he was asleep. So, he did not get to sing Sunday night with the kids even though he knew all the songs. Here are some pics from the weekend. IF you would like to see all of them. Email me and I will send you them in an email attachment.

Craft Time

Chris riding the giant swing. They take you up in the air. and then drop you and you swing notice how high, he is to the building behind.
Super Camp kids
Dawson riding half of the flying fox. We only pulled him up about 6 metres instead of 8.
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Also pray for Melissa as she has committed to directing our district Children's camp in Meblourne in September and this is a HUGE time commitment. Please pray that God would give her the energy and time to be able to direct this camp to the best of her ability. It will be just her and one other lady, as it is during our district conference that goes for three days. So, we will only have the children 7 hours a day. But, pray that Melissa will know how to plan this whole event.
Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday, August 03, 2008
Was an exciting day to look forward to where our church is headed. Chris preached on vision for our church, and we had a wonderfull time of fellowship after the service. We even had a new couple ( from NZ) in our midst on that evening. After the serice we had pizza and we got down to business with the D.S.. Our church is so willing to do whatever God has called them to. Since I was the treasurer for the last year, because NO ONE would do it, I had to give a vision to the church with the D.S. help of the church stepping up to take a big step of faith. We have paid all of our bills for the past three years. But, the church has yet to start to take on any responsibility of paying a pastor. So, praise God! A decision was made to start to put away a PAstor's salary of one day a week, so that the church hopefully by the end of our next career term. (4 years!) would be able to afford a pastor full time! This is a huge step of faith. There were definitely some concerns. It means the church would need to bring in 2x as mush tithe as it did last year. But, you know what! Our God is good! And, our God is bigger than any of the problems we face. And, our people know that, so they have taken a leap of faith! Many other things exciting happened as well. One of our church members has answered God's all on her life to be a chaplain in the public school system. So, now she is going to start classes to become a lay minister! God is good, and our church is ready to look forward to the future of what HE holds for the Landsdale Community Wesleyan Methodist Church.
Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, July 07, 2008
Side note: three girls were from Landsdale where Chris and I live. Tessa, Kristy, and Georgina. I ran into these girls the other day down at the shops. And, they said that they would like to come to youth group and hang out. Please pray for these girls. They need to make the first step to want to come. I have given them my information. And, we are offering for all the youth group to go laser tagging next week. Please pray that these girls will join us. We hopefully will have a party room for two hours and play two games of laser tag. So, Chris really wants to speak to the teens and talk to them about getting to know who Jesus Christ is.
Kids Club term 2 awards night
Last night we had term two kids club awards night. It went really well. We had 38 people at church. We had two mothers come who have not come before. So, that is exciting. And we were missing 6 regulars. So, the church is starting to grow slowly but surely. Pray for our committed families that they would make the new families feel welcome and that they would strike up conversations with the new people.
The piano concert last week, we are still finalizing how much money was raised from it. But, we do know that there was over 500 people who attended and that, that is amazing! Because, there are only 40 people in the inner city church. So, many people came who do not attend our church. Pray that these people would have made a connection in their heart with God and that they would be willing to come back for church.
Well, I need to go clean my house that has been demolished from this weekend! We hope you all have a great week, and that God will bless you all . We have seen God's hand at work in our lives and it is because you pray for us! Thank you! and may God's blessing be poured onto you!
George family
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Recently I was asked by Makayla's teacher from last year to apply for a position in Landsdale. She is stepping down as of term 3 in July. So, I have prayed and received a green light from global partners to apply for this position. Please pray that I would have God's guidance and full confirmation before I say yes. So, what is so cool about this opportunity. I have been praying for a way to meet families in the community. And, I was thinking of opening a piano studio, or something that I could just work 5-6 hours a week at, so that I could meet families. Problem was that I would always be meeting the SAME families. However, this teaching position. Is 3-4 year olds, held at the community hall where we have church. And, is only 4 hours a week. I used to teach preschool years back and actual took a few college classes on early childhood education. So, I have applied. Here is the coolest part! I work on 4 hours a week, 2 hours prep time.. So, only 6 hours a week. Also, I would have two classes with 20 students and a parent is required to attend with each child. So, I will meet 40 FAMILIES a year in landsdale. Also, when the kids age out at the end of the year, they will age into our churches Kids club. How cool is that. God could not have brought a more awesome opportunity about. Please pray for me as I apply and I had two major conflicts with me accepting this job. 1) I already committed to direct a kids camp in Melbourne in September and would miss two days of classes. 2) We will return at the end of this year to raise funds to become career missionaries so I would miss 4 weeks of classes when we do that as well. So, I could definitely use your prayers.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Week 1- went great
Week 2- went alright till last 5 minutes, and one of the girls tried to beat another girl with a stick. And, I had to intervene. etc.
week 3- Went alright, except for the fact that I felt like the lesson didn't address any issues. So. then came week 4.
week 4- I followed up with the girls on the issue of inner beauty and how they are who they are on the inside, I actually got through to a lot of the girls, and they now respect me, and two of the girls even told the others to stop talking because they wanted to hear what I had to say.
Although, I have had many emotions about this program, and about working in the school. I believe God is using me and I would like you to pray for the following girls, that they would see Jesus in and through me as I share my life with them. I am not actually allowed to say the word God, and things but when the girls specifically ask me questions I am allowed to answer. So, pray that the girls would open up and continue to talk with me and ask me questions.
The girls are: Natalie (sweetheart, becoming my friend and completely respects me), Megan, Alicia (Rough on the outside, but genuinely I think just needs to know someone cares), Tessa (Real sweety, not sure why she is in this group yet), Monique, (Fighter, till the end, ad feisty!), Georgina, (First week she was in my group, gave a hard time at first, but by the end of the session she was on my side and working with me instead of against me), and Kristy.
If you could pray for them I would GREATLY appreciate it!
Thanks so much,
Monday, May 26, 2008
This past weekend, we took 5 young Adults to a church in Katanning W.A. Our D.S. rode with us as well. He is Visiting all the way from Melbourne! (5 hours flight to us). We were hoping for more, but with finals in UNI only two weeks away. Many young adults needed to stay home and study. It was a 4 hour drive South East. As we arrived we had many ideas of what Katanning would be. But, had no idea that we would see how God is moving in the town of Katanning. The church is about 6 years old. It started with a Pastor who felt that God called him to holiness and from there out they now run about 50. This pastor is wanting to retire. But, God uses him every day and every Sunday to minister to the people of Katanning. We had wonderful conversations and met many people who will be in our prayers often! As we arrived this "little" town did happen to have a target, two banks, a bakery, a store that was open on Sunday morning when Melissa realized she forgot baking soda and we were making waffles! We stayed on an old boarding girl schools campus owned by the Baptist church. (Farmers daughters would stay at the school during the week and go home on weekends). We had an incredible time and on the way there we passed through a town called "Wagin" pronounced waa jing with a long A! This town had the biggest ram in the southern hemisphere.
We had a wonderful time and couldn't believe it took us 3 years to finally get out there! We plan to go back and help the pastor when he would like to take a sunday off or just go out and be guest speakers. Their church service is in the morning so we would make it back in time for Landsdale. Now about our young adults. Chris and I got to know Rick Ray, Rina, Fei, and Joshua, Young who runs the Young adults ministry at the John Wesley Church came with us as well. The young adults who came with us actually attend both the Landsdale and John Wesley church, but have been attracted to our church by Pastor Young who is teaching them English. Rick Ray is a third generation Christian from Korea. Fei from China Recently accepted Christ just about 6 months ago, and has really shown growth. Rina, and Joshua also from Korea have shown growth But over all we really bonded. We stayed up till 1AM playing UNO, because no body could win.
We played all kinds of thinking games, (they like those), and just silly games! Chris and I had a wonderful time "pretending to be young adults" Although, I would like to think we still are considering we are only 27! But, God moved in us and in them, and you could see as they talked with the people in the Katanning church, that God was working in the young adults lives! Fei speaks English really well, but the rest of them, are just learning. So, it was definitely a fun experience had, but as they got to know us they were much more comfortable with trying to speak to us. Pray that as we are now home, we will be able to continue to grow our relationship with the Young adults and bring them closer to having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day was full of celebrations at church. The children made Trivets at Kids Club for their moms so we handed those out as well as the church gave to every mother a candle that said faith. We started this week our sermon series on Family and what better way to start than on Mother's Day. Chris preached an excellent sermon on what a Godly mother looks like. Funny enough, one of his points was that a Godly Mother keeps herself physically healthy. Funny enough though I was sick so everyone snickered on that point. He wasn't necessarily talking about sickness, he was talking about physically healthy. But, everyone had a good laugh and looked at me since I was SICK!
We had 33 people at church which was exciting. Our family is a bit ill at the moment with a pretty bad cold. So, pray for us to recover quickly, since the doctor has no appointments for two days! :) I have already been sick for a week, and seem to not be getting better, but we will be patient and wait it out. We have challenged every person to have a friend in church next week. Please pray for our church families as we would love to see this happen! We thank you for your prayers Chris and I feel them especially on the days when we are sick and have so much work to do for the kingdom! But, God is good and he never gives us more than we can handle.
I just wanted to post on here Happy Mother's Day to my Mother!
My mother has been a Godly example to me my whole life. She is full of love, patience, kindness, gentleness, and she is devoted to being a follower of Christ! I thank my mother for the impact she has had in my life. Whenever I am out of patience with my kids I stop and think how my mom would have reacted and it would have been with complete control and patience! I hope I am a mother like her! I love getting to talk on the phone everyweek with her and hear how she is doing and get tid bits of advice from her! I love you Mom! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! XXOO
Monday, April 28, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Term One is also always slow on attendance and we graduated 5 children to youth group. However, we have already had three families contact us and say they would like their children to participate during Term 2. So, I look forward to the next term! Please pray that people in the community would learn of Kids Club. And, that we would be overwhelmed with Children. For Once I have extra teachers! As I pray, please pray with me that next term we would have 4 children for every teacher,(20!)
Friday, March 28, 2008
We received a wonderful Easter Package on the Thursday before Good Friday. It had suckers for the kids, and Easter books, and bunnies that sang Jesus Loves Me and little socks which Makayla won't take off her feet! And, wall hangings, and dish cloths, and all kinds of goodies! We are truly spoiled!

I can't explain the power in a package. Other than the Package is loaded with so much of God's providence for us and His care. At times when we miss our family the most and have been very homesick, we receive a package reminding us of what God has called us to do and reminding us that He knows we miss our family and friends, but at the same time He has called us Here to further His kingdom and we will do that! However, receiving a package was just the icing on a wonderfull weekend we spent doing ministry! We were spoiled with a little taste of home! Thank you so much!
for all their work in sending us a Valentine's Package! WE greatly appreciated it. It was such a lift for us. It arrived the day after Chris's Parents left. And, it made us feel very loved. Inside the box were all kinds of goodies God was providing for us right now! Inside were two toothbrushes, and floss! (YEAH!) we actually just that morning were saying we really needed money to go out on and get these. Also, inside was WINTER clothes for Dawson! WE desperately needed these! Somehow the boy came on this journey with no larger clothes! I guess I thought ahead for Makayla but not for Dawson. Also, was little valentine's bags and the coolest gumball machine ever! Also inside were two little gift bags for mommy and daddy! We greatly appreciate all you have done for us. It made us feel so special and cared for! Thank you almost doesn't sound like enough! We are truly blessed by your care! May God bless you abundantly in return! Here are some pics of the kids with some of the things in the package.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
It is the Tuesday after Easter and I can literally feel that the pace of my life as a pastor has slowed down from what it was last week. Easter is a very busy time for those of us in ministry, but it is so worth it and I wouldn't trade it for much of anything in this world. I know that many of you out there are interested in knowing about our weekend so I will do my best to update you on our Easter experience.
Greenwood High School: On Thursday afternoon, I went to one of the local senior high schools with my Bible, some words that I believe God gave me and absolutely no idea what to expect. As I entered the school I felt confident that God was with me (thanks much in part to your prayers). We went to the music room as the lunch bell rang and we waited to see if any of the students would give up their lunch to come hear an Easter message. We had 12 students and about 6 faculty who came for the time and I believe it went very well. It was the first time that we had tried anything like this in the school and I was encouraged by it. Some guys from our church are going to be playing basketball in the school during the lunch hour beginning in a few weeks. We are so excited about the connections that we are able to make and the ministry that we can have in the public school system.
Easter Sunday: I brought the message at both the church in the city as well as our church here in Landsdale. Both of the congregations had good responses to the message and we were very excited to have some visitor at Landsdale. Thanks Melissa for putting up invitations down at the supermarket. Please pray that we can draw our visitors back for another service.
Easter Monday: Yesterday, we went down to our Aussie family's house for an Easter meal. It was a good time all together and we all have so much chocolate we don't know what to do with it! We are so thankful for all that we have and wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you who remember to pray for our family and support us as we are in Australia. Thank you and God bless you and your family.
Easter Eggs: I am not sure of where this tradition came from but people all around the world over the last week have coloured eggs for Easter. You hard boil them and then you use food colouring and crayons and other things to decorate these eggs. That isn't the funny bit, it is what people do with them after they are finished that is funny. We used to keep them in the door of the refigerator and we would go and get one, crack it and enjoy it for a snack. My brother and I would always crack the eggs by smashing them on our heads (yes, that is what happened to us). This tradition stopped when my brother smashed an egg that wasn't hard boiled over his head. My son, has found his own way of getting the eggs open. A tennis racket! In the picture below, you can see my son hitting an egg with a racket straight at everyone who is sitting on the couch.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, February 04, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
After Christmas we had our annual church camp. On the 28th we loaded up our cars and headed South. Months of preparation was finally coming to the reality of camp was here! Chris and I picked the place, I planned the activities calendar for the camp, and did the children's sermons, Chris spoke at the camp, and then we both had alot of fun! We had 42 people go on the camp and 3 people come down as day visitors. WE had 12 tents to set up, and we used two cabins and a caravan as well. So, there was a large group of us. Pastor Phil the lead pastor over seeing the inner city church and also guiding us with the landsdale church, did all the menus. And, he helped everyone prepare the food. WE at our meals together and had teams of people who took turns cooking and cleaning. The trip was 5 days and it was WONDERFUL! What was even more wonderful was seeing God unite the two churches together and realize that there is a large group of us Wesleyan's here now in Perth, and he is using us all in so many different ways. Some Highlights we would say of the trip, was the speakers speaking, the kids would say the digital scavenger hunt was a blast,

. And, then we all packed up and came home. The last night we played capture the flag to midnight to see in the New Year. It was such a good time. When we got home we slept for like 15 hours, ALL of us. The bugs were the worst.