I don't know how many of you have ever been to a good laser tag place and had about 15 people that you know all running around in the dark shooting one another. But if you have never been, go, it is a blast. I like it better in comparison to paint ball because I am allergic to pain and paintballs hurt. Lasers only hurt your ego.
We took two cars and a van to Darklight and had a wonderful time together. The unity within the youth grew before our very eyes and we have a new vision and passion to see God move in the lives of these young people. Please pray for them and us as we continue to run our youth group on Friday nights. Pray that we would see growth and the unity in the group would grow even more. Along with that, our youth centre is growing a bit. We now have 2 ping pong tables, 2 air hockey tables, 1 table soccer table, xbox, and playstation 2 with SingStar on the big screen. We have a great time with these teens and can't wait to see what God uses them to accomplish for His glory. 

Sunday was a first for me. It was the first time that I have every had to call another pastor on my staff and ask them to preach for me because I was up with the flu all night. It broke my heart to not be able to give the message and lead the service and to be honest, I felt a little bad that I sat here on the couch "feeling better" during church while other's did what I had prepared to do. I am not a control freak, I just hated putting the extra pressure on everyone else when I had prepared everything all during the week. I am glad that I got rest and am over the flu now though and will be back in the saddle this week. Melissa told me last night that the service went well and Phil did a great job. Thanks Phil for stepping up to the plate when I needed you.
Well, I guess that is all for this post, but remember to keep us in prayer as we are in the process of applying for career missionary status and we are waiting to hear about our permanent residency visa. Pray that final dates for our travel home can be set and we can start to book churches in the US to visit while we are home. Thanks for your prayers, you are awesome.
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