Recently I was asked by Makayla's teacher from last year to apply for a position in Landsdale. She is stepping down as of term 3 in July. So, I have prayed and received a green light from global partners to apply for this position. Please pray that I would have God's guidance and full confirmation before I say yes. So, what is so cool about this opportunity. I have been praying for a way to meet families in the community. And, I was thinking of opening a piano studio, or something that I could just work 5-6 hours a week at, so that I could meet families. Problem was that I would always be meeting the SAME families. However, this teaching position. Is 3-4 year olds, held at the community hall where we have church. And, is only 4 hours a week. I used to teach preschool years back and actual took a few college classes on early childhood education. So, I have applied. Here is the coolest part! I work on 4 hours a week, 2 hours prep time.. So, only 6 hours a week. Also, I would have two classes with 20 students and a parent is required to attend with each child. So, I will meet 40 FAMILIES a year in landsdale. Also, when the kids age out at the end of the year, they will age into our churches Kids club. How cool is that. God could not have brought a more awesome opportunity about. Please pray for me as I apply and I had two major conflicts with me accepting this job. 1) I already committed to direct a kids camp in Melbourne in September and would miss two days of classes. 2) We will return at the end of this year to raise funds to become career missionaries so I would miss 4 weeks of classes when we do that as well. So, I could definitely use your prayers.
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