George Family 2014

George Family 2014
George Family 2014

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Central NewYork!

What a joy it was this weekend to visit two churches from the District Melissa Grew up in. If I flash back and think of memories. I participated in "Believers!" from Gates Wesleyan when I was a teenager. We travelled and sang at churches all over the district, ministering to familes, teens, children, and adults.

Then the second church we were at Buena Vista. I have fond memories of learning how to shoot a bow at camp from Pastor Dan Pickering and from his wife earning my CYC badges. They also have children who have impacted my life VERY MUCH in going into ministry! So, we had a wonderful weekend. We had a huge bonfire at Buena Vista and the kids were so excited to eat smores! We do not have these in Australia. We cannot get hte graham crackers or the marshmallows like the ones here!

The kids were excellent in the car. Dawson had a little bit of a meltdown. So, we have decided the rest of this week, we will stay home. So, please pray for Chris today and tomorrow as he heads out to ENYNE district conference at Glen Falls, NY all by himself. Pray that we would get connected with new churches, and individuals for Faith Promise!

Sunday morning at 6AM!


Carrie said...

I can't believe you are in Glens Falls...that's super close to Vermont. If I had known you were coming I could have tried to set something up for you at the Wesleyan church in Vermont. Safe travels.

Jennifer said...

Say what? Your guys were up, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready for a picture at 6am? I have a hard time getting mine up any day by 7am and Lauren is cranky with me.