George Family 2014

George Family 2014
George Family 2014

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thank You!
We want to say "thank you" to our leadership team at Global Partners. When they heard that Makayla had hurt her leg and Melissa and Dawson were sick, they jumped to action. They collected several items that would make us feel loved from the other side of the world. They packaged colouring books, crayons and markers, and several other items that our kids love. It also included something for dad (costa rican coffee). Makayla and Dawson have wanted to watch the movie every day since they got the package. Thank You mobilization team and GP, you made us feel loved.

Makayla with her bundle of goodies.

Tonight at dinner, we discovered that Dawson knows how to make fishy face. We don't know who taught him this but I have to say, I laughed very hard. Whoever taught him this, thanks for the laugh, we had a great time at dinner tonight.

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