George Family 2014

George Family 2014
George Family 2014

Friday, December 09, 2011

Carols in the Park!
Carols in the park was a huge success. It was very stressfull as last year we had two people who helped us coordinate it and this year we were on our own. So, we have made a HUGE list of things we are going to get other people to do next year! But, it was a huge success! We had over 400 people at it.  We had community dance troop, and a local school choir sang, as well as our kids club choir, and we put together a band that did Christmas carols. There were some solos and chirstmas minute to win it games. By the end of the night Chris and I were exhausted! But, families came up to us afterwards and boasted about how this was their second year! And, they love it as much as the first, and they would be back the next year! Our Kids Club families and the John Wesley Church came up and helped us and it was a HUGE success!  Not becuase of what we did, but because God was there in control of the whole event!  Thank you to everyone we prayed We still do not have photos yet from the photographer. But, when we do! We will share them!

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