George Family 2014

George Family 2014
George Family 2014

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

School Holidays
Over the school Holidays Chris and I were blessed with the opportunity to run some family events. The first week we visited Caversham, which is a wildlife park. We had 5 families participate and it was a wonderful time to just work on building relationships.

The second week we had a movie night! Chris and I were really excited about this because the whole evening was focused around Toy Story 1. But, the evening was focused on God's idea of friendships. The children made their own pizzas, the adults had pizza and salad, and the we played fun games that focused on friendship. Chris and I were so excited because there were 24 people who attended. These are families that attend our kids club, and not our church, yet. So, we are working on building relationships and reaching out to these families.

Over the school holidays we also had two families that had babies and one family that the dad had a torn achilles and a family whose father had emergency surgery. We took meals to all of these families and the kids made cards and we have been reaching out to these families as well..

I say all this to ask you to pray for us as we are reaching out to these families. Help us to say the right words and to connect with these families on a spiritual level.

Thank you so much for your prayers, they are chaning lives.

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