George Family 2014

George Family 2014
George Family 2014

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today we went down to the City and one the River front we baptized to members of our congregation! This was a very exciting day for Chris and I. This is a couple who used to attend our Young Adult Bible Study in our first term here in Australia. We then went to Singapore and married them in '07, And, they recently moved back to Australia in August '09 and lived in our house till Christmas. But, the thing is that this married couple has decided to proclaim their faith in Jesus and share it with the church. They stood in the water and shared their testimonies. And, God has done soooo much in their lives! But, it was exciting for Chris and I to get to stand with them and pariticipate in their baptism.

I would like to share a bit of Graces* story with you. I am going to give her a different name. Because she comes from China. Her parents are high up in the Government and when she first went home to tell her parents she was a Christian they would not even let her bring a Bible into the house. But, it is hard for her to know that when she decided to become a Christian she turns her back on EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in her family. She has been dating a Christian for the past three years. And, her parents recently even made her sign a contract or Christmas stating she would not marry the Christian because they have spies here in Australia watching everything she does. But, she stood there in the water today and proclaimed her faith! And, she said I don't know where I will turn the only place I can turn is to God! And, that is the point of being a Christian. We must rely on God to guide us and direct us and lead us. Please, pray for her. It reminded me of what we as Americans take for granted! Becoming a Christian in America does not mean we say good bye to our family. But, in other countries and other cultures when you become a Christian you are persecuted. So, please continue to pray for Grace*!
*Name Changed for security reasons.

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