George Family 2014

George Family 2014
George Family 2014

Monday, December 14, 2009

Fire Extinguished!
The fire in Landsdale seems to be extinguished. To make a long story short.
Friday evening a car was moving VERY quickly down the main road that borders our suburb and it blew a tire and hit an electricity pole. What should have been a simple clean up within minutes turned disastrous. We had very hot weather and westward winds. And the fire just lit up the "bush" ( Pasture like land) behind our house one street over. The thing is that we have many church people that live between us and the bush. We had 4 families that bordered the street and it took 45 fire departments on duty for three days to get it out. We had helicopters coming in to the lake across the street from our house sucking up water every few minutes to dump on the fire and usually if there is a fire the helicopters will return to the airport to refuel. But, you know a fire is bad when they brought fuel trucks RIGHT here in front of our house and refueled right here to save time! We were on standby at all hours for evacuation. If you went outside the sky was bright orange it looked seriously like our back yard was on fire. I will go take pictures to send to you. But, here is what your prayers did!

Also, the wind was blowing in the correct direction. Our God moves even the wind in the right direction! Had the wind changed directions our house would have definitely been in danger!

1) Ebert Family.-- Family in most danger. The fire stopped 1 FOOT from their yard. The firemen actually stood a meter apart putting out fire to save this families home.
2) Mahood Family- The wife of this family is the high school chaplain. Fire jumped the road and their fence 3 times! And, they were there waiting with water hoses to put it out.
3) Preston family saved
4) One family neighbours to the Ebert's. The first stopped 1 foot from their home!
5) And, most of the suburb was unaware that there was even a fire for 5 hours due to the electricity being out. Most people thought because it was such a hot day it was a normal power outage!
God is good and thank you for your prayers!
God was protecting these families, and your PRAYERS were moving the hand of God!
Thank you.

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