This past weekend, we took 5 young Adults to a church in Katanning W.A. Our D.S. rode with us as well. He is Visiting all the way from Melbourne! (5 hours flight to us). We were hoping for more, but with finals in UNI only two weeks away. Many young adults needed to stay home and study. It was a 4 hour drive South East. As we arrived we had many ideas of what Katanning would be. But, had no idea that we would see how God is moving in the town of Katanning. The church is about 6 years old. It started with a Pastor who felt that God called him to holiness and from there out they now run about 50. This pastor is wanting to retire. But, God uses him every day and every Sunday to minister to the people of Katanning. We had wonderful conversations and met many people who will be in our prayers often! As we arrived this "little" town did happen to have a target, two banks, a bakery, a store that was open on Sunday morning when Melissa realized she forgot baking soda and we were making waffles! We stayed on an old boarding girl schools campus owned by the Baptist church. (Farmers daughters would stay at the school during the week and go home on weekends). We had an incredible time and on the way there we passed through a town called "Wagin" pronounced waa jing with a long A! This town had the biggest ram in the southern hemisphere.
We had a wonderful time and couldn't believe it took us 3 years to finally get out there! We plan to go back and help the pastor when he would like to take a sunday off or just go out and be guest speakers. Their church service is in the morning so we would make it back in time for Landsdale. Now about our young adults. Chris and I got to know Rick Ray, Rina, Fei, and Joshua, Young who runs the Young adults ministry at the John Wesley Church came with us as well. The young adults who came with us actually attend both the Landsdale and John Wesley church, but have been attracted to our church by Pastor Young who is teaching them English. Rick Ray is a third generation Christian from Korea. Fei from China Recently accepted Christ just about 6 months ago, and has really shown growth. Rina, and Joshua also from Korea have shown growth But over all we really bonded. We stayed up till 1AM playing UNO, because no body could win.
We played all kinds of thinking games, (they like those), and just silly games! Chris and I had a wonderful time "pretending to be young adults" Although, I would like to think we still are considering we are only 27! But, God moved in us and in them, and you could see as they talked with the people in the Katanning church, that God was working in the young adults lives! Fei speaks English really well, but the rest of them, are just learning. So, it was definitely a fun experience had, but as they got to know us they were much more comfortable with trying to speak to us. Pray that as we are now home, we will be able to continue to grow our relationship with the Young adults and bring them closer to having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!