Family Fun Day/ Fundraiser
God works in just astounding ways. Chris called the local skating rink to arrange a family skate day. When he was speaking to the owner he said that he would LOVE for our church to come and he would also like to offer us a deal! Now, chris at first thought maybe he would give us a $1 off or something. But the words that came out of his mouth were totally unexpected. The owner offered us to get into the skating rink for the normal price! BUT, he would give 1/2 what everyone paid back before we even left the rink in a check! This was the first time we ever did a fundraiser for kids club. And, God blessed us... 27 people came and skated (had a bit of a drama with the time it ran into some other sports clubs games like netball!) But, most of the kids had never skated before and we had a blast hitting the floor and spending time with some families. The highlights for us for the day were
1) a family from Makayla's class came and they have NEVER even come to kids club! So, that was exciting...
2) Also, a bunch of mums were thrilled and were asking if we could do more family days! (Which we do one atleast a month... so look like they will be getting more involved in our church. God is good! :)
3) DADS came!!!!!
Pray for these families in this picture!